By Alissa Jackson on Tuesday, 27 December 2022
Category: News & Events

HSSC Saves 2,700 Animals

For the past few weeks, the whiteboard in HSSC's lobby has tracked the distance to our goal of 2,700 total lives saved for the year. Every time we completed an adoption or spayed/neutered a community cat or returned an animal to its owner, the number would decrease. Yesterday morning, December 28, the whiteboard showed we were just 1 away from our goal. When a lady came in to meet our majestic Chow mix, Prince, we crossed our fingers for a perfect match.

Erin Jordan, our Director of Human Resources (and certified Chow-mix owner and lover) had been advocating for Prince since he arrived a few weeks ago. This sweet boy had been adopted from us 6.5 years ago but had been rehomed a few times since then. His most recent adopters loved him, but they had trouble with his sometimes severe separation anxiety. Staff had been working with him to build his confidence and reduce his stress. Erin explained all this to the would-be adopter, who is a Chow-mix lover in her own right, with two at home and another one who just crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It did not take long for her to decide that Prince would make a great addition to her pack.

The adoption counselor walked Prince down the "Happy Tails Hallway," where he was flanked by joyful staff. He loves people, so this display of excitement and attention brought on lots of sniffs and wags. Away he went with his new mom. And, just like that, we witnessed the creation of new family and officially achieved our 2,700 lifesaving goal—three days early, to boot!

All in a year's work.

Thank you to everyone who adopted, volunteered, fostered, attended, and donated to the Humane Society of Sarasota County. You have made this year one of our best on record. You have changed 2,700 animals' lives and thousands more people's lives too.

Still Waiting for their Happy Ever Ever


Long-time supporters may remember Ava from our Faux Paws video (if not, catch up here). When she was adopted last year, we hoped she had finally found her place. Alas, she was returned to us recently. She is receiving lots of love and attention in her foster home—including being swaddled in cozy pajamas—but she'd really like a permanent home. 


Jasmine is beautiful and affectionate. The only thing holding this three-year-old girl back is a positive diagnosis for Feline Leukemia. While this disease has no cure, cats can survive for years with proper veterinary care and nutrition. If you're willing to take a chance on Jasmine, you'll be rewarded with an amazing friend. 

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