By Alissa Jackson on Wednesday, 02 March 2022
Category: Home

Clinic Operations Update

The Animal Clinic, operated by the Humane Society of Sarasota County, opened its doors in February 2016 as a full-service veterinary hospital aiming to provide affordable, high-quality veterinary care to the community. We appreciate the loyalty of the 11,000+ patients who have supported us these past six years.

Over the past year, the veterinary profession has reached a dire workforce crisis that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This workforce crisis is complex and has made it more difficult for nonprofit providers like HSSC to retain and hire qualified veterinary staff. We have been as creative as possible about tackling these challenges, and we are proud to have served 6,062 patients in 2021 alone. But that was just the fraction of the clients who needed us. The demand for our services far exceeded our ability to meet everyone's needs in a timely manner. Many of our loyal clients have made their frustrations known. We are listening and taking these comments seriously.

Additionally, the ever-growing income gap in Sarasota County has left pet owners with difficult decisions regarding their pet's health and what they can afford. Financial hardship is one of the main reasons why animals are surrendered to our shelter. Sarasota has some of the fastest rent hikes in the country, and home prices have skyrocketed. Increasingly, our working families are one paycheck or $700 away from disaster. As a nonprofit animal welfare organization, we feel the burden of responsibility to ensure animals in our community have access to basic, affordable veterinary care. By focusing our services on families who need them most, we believe we can increase the number of clients helped to 9,000 this year.

With many factors to consider, we are making the tough decision to transition away from the full-service veterinary hospital model to one that focuses on offering core wellness services to everyone and treating sick/injured pets whose families otherwise could not afford veterinary care.

The following core wellness services will continue to be offered to everyone in our community:

Effective July 1, 2022, our medical, diagnostic, and surgery services will be mostly limited to income-qualified clients who otherwise cannot afford the cost of veterinary care. These services will include:

To read more about our income qualifications, click here:

For our current clients who can afford the cost of private veterinary care, we encourage you to establish your pet(s) with another full-service private practice for your advanced/ongoing veterinary care needs. We have eliminated complex diagnostics and specialty surgeries from our services and will refer those patients to other clinics. If you would like recommendations for a private practice, we would be happy to assist you.

Thank you for your loyalty, your patience, and your understanding. We appreciate all that you do to support the Humane Society of Sarasota County.

We anticipate there will be a lot of questions. For more detailed information or to share concerns, please contact our clinic manager, Kassie Creighton-Wood, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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